Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ice and Fire

One day there were two  kids that were  coming from school. When they got  home they felt  a  wave hitting  them.  The next morning they went to school Kevin said "do you feel a wave hitting you" and Martin said "yes I did". Then, when it was lunch time a kid pushed Martin and Martin got mad . He got so mad that he turned in to fire and got the boy 's butt on fire. The boy was running loco around the school. After school they went to the park to play soccer when they got there three kids took the ball and ran away. Kevin got mad that he put  ice on the grass and the boy fell and hit his face on the ice. They could not stand up because their tontuges where stuck to the ice.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Assassins Creed 3

 Ones upon a time there was a man named Connor he was a normal man but the assassins they say that he was good.So they picked him as an assassin he wanted his revenge the Americans had killed his family.So he is working for the Americans but he is going to betrayed them so this is the story of Connor.A noble man who wants his revenge for his family and this is the end of the story of Connor.

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Three Day Weekend

On Friday the 6th I was playing my Wii the game I was playing was Call of Duty Black Opps. First I was playing zombie it was hard because they were coming from each side. Then, I went to missions and when I started it was not that hard but when I went out people started shooting. But I kill them with a sniper riffle it was really hard to pass the mission. Then it was 9:00 pm. I went to sleep. Then at 4:00am my aunt came from Chicago. I was saw sleep I couldn't get up.
On Saturday the 7th I had I game at 7:00am it was not that hard. I was right defines. Right after that game I had a soccer game in the same field. I was really tired. But these time I was center defines.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Win a Soccer Game

First, you need to pick your team then you put were players in their pusishion. When they start the game and your team has it you should pass the ball. Then when you get close to the goally you shout. Watch out for the out sides. When the game is over give compliments to the other team. Like good game or clap that them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Functional Text #2

1. This text is organize because it has 1,2,3.
2. The purpose of this text is to inform.
3. The text features are bold print,

Functional Text #1

1. This text is organize because it has boxes and in side the boxes there information.
2. The purpose of this text is to inform.
3. The graphic in is text is boxes.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Text Features

The different text structures are cause and effect,compare and contrast,sequence,problem and solution,and description.

Text features are headings,bold print,italics, and ALL IN CAPS.
Graphic Features are pictures,diagrams,and boxes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Functional Text #5

1. I know that this text is organize because it has the dates in order and it tells you what day is the thing you want to do.
2. The purpose of this text is to inform because it is telling you about when classes start.


Functional Text #4

1. I know that the text is organize because it has first,second,and third. It has headings to.
2. The purpose of this text is to inform because it has list of things to or what to do.

Vampire V.S Zombie

        One day there was a war. The king of the zombies is Augusto they live in zombie world. The king of the vampires is Kevin that lived in vampire.  Then the zombies got mad and went to vampire  world and beat up the vampires and sliced their head open and the war happen for 30 years. But the vampire  kill the zombies then out of no where the zombies and vampires came out  and the war was still going on and they were almost dead and they did not had no the zombie ate a vampire and  Daniel got infected by a zombie  and Martin got infected  by a  vampire.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Spring Break

On Monday I was sleeping late

On Saturday the 17th I played two soccer games the first game we beat them 2-1. The second game we lost 4-6 and we lost because 5 or 4 teammates were tired from the first game. I got hit 4 times. Two time I got hit in my stomach and they hit me on my left leg. Then I went home relax and 6:00pm I went to a party

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The End of Life in Space

On Saturday Kevin and Martin your playing a soccer game for the championship it was the hardest game they played. They were winning ,but out of nowhere a UFO landed on the soccer field. Martin and Kevin got mad and they said"lets kill those ugly aliens". The aliens went back to space and Kevin and Martin went after them. But when we got there we saw a plant bigger then the Sun.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Using Irregular Verds

Chinese Food and Drink

This article is about people in China that like a variety food and drink.Main Grains,is about rice and people use rice in most of their food. Fruits and Vegetables,is about some fruits are still popular in China. The fruits and vegetables give a taste in the rice.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

War World 3 (Mexico v.s U.S.A)

One day Mexico saw a jet from USA. They your were shutting Mexico's people. Mexico got mad and they told them at we are going to War World 3. You got a week to get ready : to USA.
USA said ok on February 20,2012 on President's Day where is the border. War World 3 is here said Mexico and USA. Mexico was there two days early to put bombs in there side. When USA got there half of there army died.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Past Progressive

The action that ready happen is on going but it stop time of speaking.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Favorite Art

  My favorite things are the Firefly Room,Firewood Church,and the Color Paper. The firefly room was cool and funny because it was cool how the lights turn off and different colors. The funny part is that you can't see that will then you start to get lost or get hit were self on the merers. Then,the Firewood Church was cool because when you moved it move with you. The wood kind of looks like space junk that came from a plant. Last but not lesest ,Color parper with yellow to pink was relasking it felt like you were or the beach or in the when the sun rise comes it looks colorful.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Game Plan

One day on Sunday the Cardnoes were v.s the Green Bay Packer. On the first half the Green Bay were wining because Daniel made the two touchdown ,but Kevin block the two field goal Daniel got mad because the defenders were not defendering. It did mater because 4 and inch they kick the ball then Kevin took it and he went to brake the record in 2012.